Learn to do amazing bar tricks and pub pranks.


Trick Of The Day:

This trick changes daily.

Trick Of The Day>


Bottles, glasses and coins are some of many items that can be used to perform magic in bars.


Goodtricks.net is designed as a valuable aid to start learning about the exciting world of bar magic and bartender friendly challenges. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn lots of easy bar magic tricks and interesting pub friendly illusions at your own speed.

Masters of the art such as Doc Halliday and Richard Turner are prime examples of the level of perfection that can be achieved with years of practice and dedication.

This site aims to show that you can still create a good entertaining performance in a public house or saloon without dedicating years of your time. A fair amount of practice and concentration is usually all that is required.

Enjoy the opportunities on this site and available tutorial information and watch your friends nearly go crazy as they try and figure out how the heck you created your fiendish magic tricks.

Quick Links:

Cool Bar Tricks And Pub Magic

Learn how to do easy bar tricks, cool pub magic and humor filled pranks with the help of our bartenders favorite trick videos and tutorials. Increase tips, win free drinks and the respect of your drinking buddies.

Customers being entertained with some magic tricks in a bar.
Easily Vanish A Cigarette Anti Gravity Beer Soaker
Strongman Iron Grip Liquor Shot Switch
Make Money By Magic Jaw Dropping Pub Tricks
Electric Shock Match Eat A Live Goldfish ???
Dancing Match Box Stick A Beer Bottle To A Wall
Magic Square Mind Read Betcha Beer Winners
Pint Glass Wonder Balance Three Pint Glasses
Unbreakable Cigarette Magical Magnetic Match
Kung Fu Sugar Packet Do Tricks With Dice
Make A Match Burn Twice Cocktail Boredom Buster
Penetrating Ash Trick Freeze Beer Instantly
Matchstick Challenge Everlasting Cigarette
Rising Match Box Make A Beer Can Float
Dragon's Breath Open Soda Can With A Sharpie
Jesse James Poker Hand Cut & Restored Note
Multiplying Money Rattle Snake Challenge
Super Mind Reading Instant Card Or Coin Vanish
Jumping Rubber Band Great Dollar Escape
Coin Slammer Coin Flip
Color Mind Read Trick Runaway Cigarette

Use the tutorial links above to :

  • Surprise your friends with some impossible looking stunts.
  • Appear to make a playing card defy gravity.
  • Pick up some tips and techniques used by pro magicians.
  • Make effective use of misdirection and useful card handling sleights.

This should make sure that you are ready for your next night out when the opportunity arises for you to perform a cool trick as an ice breaker or as a challenge game to one of your mates.

Bars and pubs are an ideal environment to perform some impromptu magic tricks.

Whether to impress the chicks or your friends, or even win a free drink, you should find a few of the routines listed above worth learning.

Bottles, glasses and coins are some of many items that can be used to perform magic in bars.

To summarize, bar tricks are great :

  • As an ice breaker to lighten the mood or meet new friends.
  • Designed to use easily sourced bar materials and equipment
  • As a place to practice new tricks with your friends, before performing them professionally.
  • Great fun to do and watch.
  • Add to your skills as well as maybe cocktail mixing.

This branch of magic can also be an important tool for bartenders and help boost their tips as happy entertained customers usually equals more tips ? Apart from the benefit of being an earnings enhancer, if people have an enjoyable visit, they are more likely to return in the future and so the increased foot fall will benefit the public house business and staff.

Keep a lookoput for the latest page in this chapter which offers some updated magic whichg acn be learned and performed with minimum practice which is ideal for those of you with a busy lifestyle. Dont let the minimal practice put you off as these pub classics still pack a big punch,

It goes without saying though, as a bartender you will more than likely be using your favorite routine over and over again. For this reason it is very important to practice it to a good standard. Its equally as important to work on a good line of entertaining patter to go with it.

This Melting Card Trick Illusion Will Baffle Them !!