A hat and magic wand are two important props for a magician and magic act.


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Goodtricks.net is designed as an aid to learning about the exciting world of magic. You will find lots of easy magic tricks to learn at your own speed.

Enjoy the site and good luck with your magic tricks.

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Levitation Tricks And Levitating Secrets

Secrets Of Many Amazing Levitation Techniques Are Revealed Here.

Do Not Attempt The Floating Cup Trick, Unsupervised.

A magician is performing a levitating trick with his assistant.
Levitation style tricks are one of the most impressive types of magic that can be performed.

From Alaska to Australia, it seems that the illusion of a person or objects floating and being being able to defy gravity, never ceases to amaze people.
Making a card appear to rise above your hand is one of many great levitation tricks.

There are some interesting and relatively easy levitation style tricks to try out on this page. You will also find some interesting information on the study of levitation to heighten your interest. The useful information on these pages should give rise to exciting introduction to this amazing subject.

To summarize, the tutorial links above should help you to achieve the following

  • Appear to defy gravity and float in the air..
  • Create the illusion of making small objects float.
  • Perform an impossible looking playing card stunt.
  • Add some entertainment ideas to your performance.

This subject has always managed to fascinate people as the whole concept of being able to defy gravity seems impossible.

It has become popularized even further when some of the best high profile magicians such as David Blaine and Criss Angel showed examples of the Balducci levitation on television.

There are many street levitation illusions nowadays as well.

Even when out and about in several towns you will see street entertainers using various clever methods to appear to be suspended in mid air which provides some wonder and entertainment to passers by.

In fact levitation in real life applications is around us at the moment with the likes of magnetic suspension having been tried on monorail transport and various other uses. So the idea of Marty McFly's hoverboard in Back To The Future 3 might even be a viable concept some day. Who knows eh ?

The use of levitation in technology is a very exciting prospect but is based on known scientific principles. The idea of levitation in a magic concept gives it an aura of mystery, the idea that something impossible is being conjured.

The scope of this web site is just to give a small insight into this interesting subject and show how some simple entertaining effects can be achieved for the purposes of entertainment.

This Easy Card Trick Illusion Will Baffle Them !!