Magician's  hat and wand image title banner for magic trick learning site. Learn to do amazing street magic and card tricks.


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Welcome: is designed as an aid to learning about the exciting world of magic. You will find lots of quick to pick up easy magic tricks to learn at your own speed.

Enjoy the site and good luck with your magic tricks.

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Fun Free Magic Tricks Revealed

Easy to do magic trick secrets to help improve some magician skills

Hyperjump To Main Card Trickery Page

Magic tricks are a lot of fun.

Fantastic Coin Matrix Trick
Go Bananas !!

Enjoy an impressive mix of free cool tricks.

This page contains a mixture of various entertaining tricks.

You'll find explanations of how some powerful illusions were performed in many fields of magic.

Magic tricks come in all shapes and forms and are only limited by your imagination

Many more easy illusions and beginner tricks are added often and explained.

For the casual magician, it is usually a good idea to have at least one crafty card trick and a coin trick, practiced to a reasonable standard. You never know when the opportunity to perform an impromptu trick will arise and these are probably the two most important and popular categories of magic.

There are a lot of new refreshing magic trick tutorials to be revealed for 2023, with many new helpful photo demonstrations and handy insider secrets. There will also be a revamp of many of the existing tricks explained. This will improve and upgrade the overall presentation of the pages.

This branch of arts and entertainment like many other subjects relies on its basic sleights. It is well worth your time to learn and practice the basic moves such as the double lift and elmsley count to name two of the more popular ones. You will find that these moves are incorporated into many of the best tricks performed by today's magicians.

In the main menu of this website you will find many easy magic tricks divided into their individual categories. This should make it quicker for you to choose your favorite types of trick. Whether it be card tricks or coin tricks, you will find a good selection here.

This Melting Card Trick Illusion Will Baffle Them !!