Magician's wand image title banner for magic trick learning site. Learn to do amazing street magic and card tricks.


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Welcome: contains lots of useful tips for anyone who is interested in starting out in magic as well as some good ideas and fresh content for experienced magicians.

Masters of the art such as Lennart Green and Richard Turner are prime examples of the level of perfection that can be achieved with years of practice and dedication.

This site aims to show that you can still create a good entertaining performance without dedicating years of your time. A fair amount of practice and concentration is usually all that is required.

Enjoy the opportunities on this site and available tutorial information and watch your friends nearly go crazy as they try and figure out how the heck you created your fiendish magic tricks.

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Easy Card Trick Tutorials Revealed

Rewarding mix of quick and achievable card magic.
Clever easy learning techniques tips and tricks.
Learn the quickest shortcuts to do Sleight Of Hand !!

Magician is performing a card trick to amaze a crowd.
Impossible Deck Balance Harrison Ford Orange Trick
Anti Gravity Card Trick
Melting Moment Trick Control Card To Top
Unsolvable Mystery Solved Cards From Nowhere
Double Deal Card Stunt Master System

Use the tutorial links above to :

  • Surprise your friends with some impossible looking origami.
  • Appear to make a playing card defy gravity.
  • Pick up some tips and techniques used by pro magicians.
  • Make effective use of misdirection and useful card handling sleights.

Learn fast to do some premium magician misdirection and sleight of hand, business card trickery and have fun as you discover some cool dealer secrets and handling skills. Top training tips are revealed to help you impress and entertain your audience every time with our step by step and clear photo instructions and easy to follow tutorial videos which are useful for both beginner magicians and more advanced ones.

The most beneficial start you can give yourself when starting to learn simple card tricks magic is to familiarize yourself with a few super useful basic sleights such as the double lift, the elmsley count. and perhaps a false cut, false shuffle and importantly how to do the classic force as these basic moves will be used over and over again as the mechanics of hundreds of magician routines..

Card fan flourish. Quickly learn how an ordinary pack of playing cards can become an important piece of kit in every street magician such as Dynamo's props. Whether a poker playing wizard or an occasional gin rummy player, card magician magic has universal appeal.

The beauty of this chapter of rewarding magician skills is that it is very portable. It requires only a few props such as an regular pack and some easy to find objects such as a coin or ring, or even a business card

Start off by fast track learning some easy card routines with our beginner tutorials. Then as you develop the basic skills you can move from novice level on to more advanced illusions.

It may take a while to empower yourself with the know how to reach David Blaine or Criss Angel standard but you should have a lot of fun along the way. A useful reference for learning card magic and prestidigitation is The Royal Road to Card Magic book. This is a classic and a valuable tool to learn from. One of the most useful gimmicks that you may wish to look into obtaining is an invisible deck. The reaction that this trick deck is capable off is simply incredible for the small outlay.

There are lots of channels on Youtube to learn as well. You can learn some pretty cool tricks with gaffed card and props at the Gaffed Academy channel while Tom Matriiq's channel rewards patience and practice with some more advanced card magic tutorials.

You will usually feel the benefit of using a good quality deck when performing your skills to ensure that you can manouvre the cards quickly and smoothly. A popular choice by many prestidigitators is the Bicycle brand which are good quality.

The beauty of this fascinating hobby is that you can learn it at any age. Whereas starting younger does give you the advantage of usually being able to get the hang of learning new magic moves and sleights relatively quickly, there is nothing wrong with taking up this great pastime even if your 60 or 70 something, Heck, the sky is the limit here.

Penn and Teller have contributed a lot to the popularity of this exciting hobby with their incredible television specials. These two stars will have inspired a lot of people to begin to look into this fascinating pastime. Who knows, if you practice enough, you could even make a decent living as a professional entertainer and make money doing what is also an enjoyable and profitable pastime.

Should you choose to start out become a wedding or restaurant magician doing close up trickery. This enjoyable pastime can also be a good money earner if you put in enough practice to reach a worthy standard.

February 2024 saw the return of one of the biggest magic conventions in Blackpool, UK, where the latest illusions and ideas were on display and demonstrated by many of the worlds most popular magic dealers. There are many videos of the convention on Youtube just now where you can see the performances and effects.

While there are some fantastic gimmicks available in magic, there is no substitute for learning the basics and being able to do a few solid tricks with an ordinary deck or everyday items.

This Self Working Mind Reading Trick Will Really Confuse Them